Give yourself and your baby this wonderful gift of relaxed, comfortable and stress-free birthing with this tried and tested programme of self-hypnosis, relaxation and childbirth education. You will be amazed when you watch videos of HypnoBirthing® mothers which show them remaining relaxed and alert whilst birthing their babies in a gentle, calm manner. Hypnobirthing® is for both you and your birthing companion. It is based on the belief that your baby can come into the world in an atmosphere of calm and joy and that birthing does not need to be an experience of pain or severe discomfort. HypnoBirthing® is also a philosophy that recognizes that birthing is a natural process which enables you to access your natural birthing instincts. This is achieved through a state of deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, breathing techniques, and visualisation, – so that your birthing muscles are free of tension and can function as nature intended. The programme includes:
- Understanding the connection between the mind and body
- Releasing negative beliefs and fears around birthing
- Positive tools to birth your baby using specific breathing techniques, self-hypnosis and deep relaxation which help decrease the need for chemical anaesthesia
- Learning how your body functions during childbirth and labour
- Your birthing companion is prepared to support you during your pregnancy, labour and birth
- How both parents can bond with their new baby
HypnoBirthing®/yogabirth preparation with Deva Priya
Despite seemingly stressful circumstances, I was very calm and used the breathing and relaxation techiniques to great effect. My partner was mostly calm too and a great help. It was less than 5 hours from the very first twinge to our baby entering the world. We came home last night and all is well. I feel really good, not at all like anything momentous has occurred physically. I totally put this down to HypnoBirthing®, because I did not strain, or grip, or tense any muscles at any point. I managed to stay relaxed for almost the whole time and it made a world of difference. it was a very intense experience, but I was not really in pain. So, thank you for everything we managed to fit into the last 4 sessions, it was invaluable! Elizabeth